Max 50 stacks.Each active Skeletal Mage increases the damage of your minions and Army of the Dead by 250%.Your minions have a chance to reduce the cooldown of Army of the Dead by 1 second each time they deal damage.You gain 1% damage reduction for 15 seconds each time one of your minions deal damage.
He transformed this into a Soul Prison and harnessed the spirits' energy to become the Aspect of Death. This is how Critical Strikes contribute to your average damage. Any players hit by charge will be knocked back and take a small amount of damage. which means that any skill rune with that type of damage will be boosted in total damage by the item. With this build I find I can run through Malthael's cloud of Ice and Arcane delivering up close explosive blasts for at least 10 seconds. Once the Archangel of Wisdom, he became the Angel of Death. Over the eons, his character has become darker and more grim.Each of the archangels seem to possess relics which are related to the idea/concept that they embody. You will also want a flawless royal topaz in your weapon to give you a boost to your thorns.Higher Vitality will give a greater thorns count due to Heart of Iron, so higher thorns, more damage you and your pets do when hit. Max 50 stacks.Each active Skeletal Mage increases the damage of your minions and Army of the Dead by 250%.Your minions have a chance to reduce the cooldown of Army of the Dead by 1 second each time they deal damage.You gain 1% damage reduction for 15 seconds each time one of your minions deal damage. A wave of icy black surging over me, stabbing at my spirit like a thousand needles. Molten monsters deal fire damage, possess high fire resistance, and most notably, create a trail of flames on the ground beneath them, which deals very high fire damage to any heroes or pets who stand in it. Increase the damage of Wave of Light by 150%. As Malthael himself also possesses a greater degree of Life than even It is possible to be permanently stuck at the edge of the platform, unable to move normally, which is especially deadly combined with Malthael's Drain Soul and Death Shroud attacks. Malthael is voiced by Paul Nakauchi. It is best to summon an ally then, who will attack Malthael, while you will stand behind him. Heroic targets heal Malthael for an additional 4% of the Hero's maximum Health. For this phase, his Death Shroud and Soul Nova abilities are replaced with the ability to summon minions and to invoke Skull Spiral: "I have seen visions of him in Pandemonium, lost in contemplation. Secondary. There are two Health wells available to players on this encounter, one on the West and the other on the East side of the circular combat zone.
This is how Critical Strikes contribute to your average damage. However, when Inarius and cohorts veiled/stole the Worldstone (the heart of creation), the philosophical base of Malthael's values began to crumble. With the Lords of Hell defeated, he reasoned that humanity was the most powerful "demonic" force left now, as per their ancient nephalem heritage. Those +damage % and -toughness% numbers don't factor in passives or synergies. Imagine you have 50% Crit Chance and 200% Crit Damage. Like me, he has taken a path to power. There are five amulets in Diablo III that can make characters entirely immune to one non-Physical damage type (it is advised to carry them around, even if they offer no good stats, in case the character encounters a monster who would prove too powerful otherwise): Countess Julia's Cameo (Holy/Arcane) Star of Azkaranth (Fire) These skulls will vortex themselves to the center of the platform.