In the radio-play version, Traps gets up in the morning, collects his repaired car and drives away completely unperturbed by the last night’s trial. The main difference between the two versions is the ending. A Dangerous Game is a 1956 novel by the Swiss writer Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Pendant le repas auquel Traps se joint à d'autres invités, le procureur à la retraite enclenche un véritable interrogatoire. Later, when they deliver the written verdict to Traps’ room, they discover that he has hanged himself. The judge lets him decide which one he prefers. La Panne (titre original : Die Panne) est un roman de Friedrich Dürrenmatt, paru en 1956 Die Panne é um romance escrito pelo autor suíço Friedrich Dürrenmatt em 1956. In the end, Traps receives two verdicts: a "metaphysical" one of guilt and a "juristic" one of innocence. Der Hund ist eine Erzählung von Friedrich Dürrenmatt, die erstmals im Jahre 1952 im Sammelband Die Stadt. Alfredo Traps, a sales representative, whose car breaks down during a trip in the provinces, finds lodging for the night in a house of a retired judge. It is known as Traps in the United States.
Traps ends up shooting and hanging himself. Its original German title is Die Panne, which means "The breakdown". In a 1960 interview with Jean-Paul Weber, Dürrenmatt said he was inspired by a short story by The work was initially written as a radio play, but Dürrenmatt adapted it into prose almost immediately.
The work was initially written as a radio play, but was adapted into prose almost immediately. im Arche Verlag erschienen ist. During the cross-examination it transpires that he may have caused the death of his boss from a heart attack. Prosa I–IV. It tells the story of a traveller who, when his car breaks down, is invited for dinner by a former judge, after which nightmarish developments follow. A obra foi inicialmente escrita como uma peça radiofónica em 1955 com o título de Die Panne: Eine noch mögliche Geschichte, mas acabou sendo adaptada em prosa quase de imediato.Ganhou o Prémio Veteranos de Guerra Cegos de melhor peça radiofónica e o Prémio Literário do jornal La Tribune de Lausanne. The retired agents of justice then thank Traps for being a good sport, and ask the former executioner to escort the guest upstairs to his room. The game in question is a pretend trial in which Traps will be the defendant. In the prose version, he hangs himself after receiving his death sentence, leaving the old men dismayed that he has taken their game too far and ruined their perfect evening. It won the 1956 Blind War Veterans’ Prize for best radio play and the literary award of the n…
He also carried on an affair with the boss’ wife. In 1979, Dürrenmatt reworked the material again, this time for stage. The host invites Traps to participate in a game that the judge and his three friends—a former prosecutor, defense attorney and public hangman—play over dinner. The prosecutor then charges Traps with premeditated murder. Sie ist im Gegensatz zu bekannten Kurzgeschichten wie Der Tunnel oder Die Panne, die im selben Sammelband oder zu ähnlicher Zeit erschienen sind, wenig rezipiert worden. After heated closing arguments, the judge sentences Traps to death. Entre-temps, Alfredo Traps, un représentant en textile, se retrouve un soir en panne non loin d'un village, où, faute de place, il doit passer la nuit dans la maison d'un juge à la retraite.
la de 1956 de l'escriptor suís Friedrich Dürrenmatt.Narra la història d’un viatger que, quan el seu cotxe s'avaria, és convidat a sopar per un antic jutge, després del qual es produeixen els malsons. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (Écrit en 1956, le récit devient une pièce radiophonique créée la même année, connaît une seconde version pour la radio en 1959, puis une adaptation en comédie pour un théâtre ambulant en 1979.