In individual cases exceptions are also possible. 113 likes.
Photo credit: Christos Sidiropoulos Photo credit: Christos Sidiropoulos
Foto: Christos Sidiropoulos
Foto: Stefan Rätsch Foto: Christos Sidiropoulos A weekly registration is required for all offers!Here you will find an overview of the most important information for course participation at the Alfred-Delp-Sportanlage.Here you can find the current weekly overview of the fitness classes / streaming from the Alfred-Delp-Sportanlage.Here you will find our sports and course offer of today.
The Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region top-class sport scholarship at the University of Mannheim is aimed at active top-class sportsmen and women from all sports, both in Germany and abroad, who are members of an A, B, C or D/ C squad of a national team in their sport at the time of application. For more information please read our Photo credit: Christos Sidiropoulos Photo credit: Christos Sidiropoulos
In order to participate in all offers on the …
Foto: Christos Sidiropoulos
Gemeinschaft für GamerIn der Universität Mannheim und aller anderen Hochschulen in Mannheim.
The following sports are offered: Basketball, Soccer, Beach Volleyball and various courses such as Gettoworkout, Power Move, Fit & Fun, Spinal Gymnastics, etc.In order to participate in all offers on the Alfred-Delp-Sportanlage, a chargeable ADSCard is required. In order to improve performance and enhance the user experience for the visitors to our website, we use cookies and store anonymous usage data. Foto: Christos Sidiropoulos Photo credit: Christos Sidiropoulos The Unisporthalle is easily accessible by bike, car or the tramway 6 (stop “Technoseum”). Photo credit: Stefan Rätsch Foto: Christos Sidiropoulos Foto: Christos Sidiropoulos
Liebe Studierende, liebe Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des Hochschulsports,Wir freuen uns euch mitteilen zu können, dass wir die Alfred-Delp-Sportanlage unter Einschränkungen für Kurse und Ballsportarten öffnen konnten.Angeboten werden Basketball, Fußball, Beachvolleyball sowie verschiedene Kurse wie z.B. The following sports are offered: Basketball, Soccer, Beach Volleyball and various courses such as Gettoworkout, Power Move, Fit & Fun, Spinal Gymnastics, etc. Liebe Studierende, liebe Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des Hochschulsports, Wir freuen uns euch mitteilen zu können, dass wir die Alfred-Delp-Sportanlage unter Einschränkungen für Kurse und Ballsportarten öffnen konnten. Photo credit: Stefanie Eichler
Foto: Stefan Rätsch
Photo credit: Stefan Rätsch
The University of Mannheim's own sports hall (“Unisporthalle der Theodor-Heuß-Anlage”) is located near the Carl-Benz-Stadion in the east of Mannheim, close to Luisenpark, Technoseum and Augustaanlage. Foto: Anna Logue
Dear students, dear participants of university sports,We are happy to inform you that we were able to open the Alfred-Delp-Sportanlage under restrictions for courses and ball sports. Finde KommilitonInnen an deiner Uni … The number of participants per course is limited to 40, for contact ball sports to 20 people. In order to participate in all offers on the Alfred-Delp-Sportanlage, a chargeable ADSCard is required. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie in unserer