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He was the man who petitioned for the People’s Court to become the Supreme Court of Nazi Germany and for it to adopt National Socialist concepts of law. In fact, 90 percent of cases before the People’s Court resulted in the death penalty or life imprisonment. Adolf Hitler had been sworn in as Chancellor of Germany just one month earlier but did not yet have absolute power.

Roland Freisler, president of the Nazi's People Court (Volksgerichtshof), was Hitler's blood judge.

Der eine kämpft für seine Überzeugung bis zum Tod, der andere wird als Präsident des Volksgerichtshofes zu Hitlers Vollstrecker. Zudem stellte sich heraus, dass die Witwe bei der Eheschließung mittellos gewesen war. Hier der Chat mit Autorin Annette Baumeister und Psychologe Andreas Steiner zum Nachlesen.Geschichte Mitteldeutschlands | 11.08.2013 | ProtokollChat zum Nachlesen: Roland Freisler - Hitlers williger VollstreckerDer Weg vom Rechtsanwalt zum Mörder im Dienste Hitlers “It is God’s verdict,” one hospital worker reportedly said when Freisler’s body was brought in.Freisler’s death spared Schlabrendorff, who went on to become a judge himself in Germany after the war.As for Roland Freisler, even his own family was disgusted by his role in the Nazi regime. On February 27, 1933, arsonists burned the Reichstag building, home of the German Parliament, to the ground. The fire paved the way for his total control.The day after the fire, Hitler used the destruction as a pretext to pass the Reichstag Fire Decree, which gave him emergency powers and suspended most civil liberties. He was responsible in his three years on the court for as many death sentences as all other senate sessions of the court combined in the court's existence between 1934 and 1945.Freisler became notorious during this period for berating each member of the steady stream of defendants passing before him, in a personalized injudicial manner from the bench on their way to their deaths, often shouting and occasionally yelling at them – particularly in cases of resistance to the authority of the Nazi state – in an enraged, glaringly clarion but dramatically controlled harsh voice, using a mastery of the craft of artificially professional legal courtroom "performance". Instead, he stayed behind to gather files on the trial of Fabian von Schlabrendorff, a July 20 plot conspirator he was hoping to send to his death that day. Only loyal Nazis could be judges and treason would be defined as any form of opposition to National Socialism. On February 3, 1945, American bombs struck the People’s Court.

1944. Marion Russegger heiratete am 24. The trial was over within an hour and all three were sent to the guillotine just six hours after their arrest.The only Roland Freisler trial that remains more infamous than the Scholl proceedings is the prosecution of the July 20 plot conspirators. The court was like a production line with dead defendants the end result.Years earlier while in the Soviet Union, Freisler had watched Andrei Vyshinsky, the chief prosecutor of the Soviet purge trials. Nicknamed "Raving Roland", Freisler was infamous for his bombastic courtroom behavior. In der Spruchkammerentscheidung wurde dagegen festgestellt, dass die Zahlungen für die Grundstücke mit den Gehaltszahlungen Freislers korrespondierten. For other people with the surname Freisler or Freissler, see Freisler's death saved Schlabrendorff, who after the war became a judge of the Wesel, Uwe. Zur optimalen Darstellung unserer Webseite benötigen Sie GESCHICHTE MITTELDEUTSCHLANDS: Roland Freisler und Carl Goerdeler - zwei deutsche Juristen, deren Wege sich kreuzen. However, the Nazis’ evidence was weak and only one of the five was found guilty and sentenced to death, with the rest acquitted.Hitler was furious with this outcome and on April 24, 1934, he decreed that the “People’s Court” would replace trial courts in political cases, including treason. Between 1942 and 1945, more than 5,000 death sentences were decreed by him, 2,600 of these through the court's First Senate, which Freisler controlled. Marion Freisler hatte gegen diese Entscheidung Einspruch erhoben, weil die Grundstücke aus ihrer Mitgift bezahlt worden seien. Februar 1945 ums Leben. For instance, he sent the high-ranking Nazis who nearly succeeded in killing Hitler during the Whether high-ranking Nazis or not, Freisler spared no one from his aggressive vitriol and humiliation. Hitler had reportedly seen Freisler in action and specially requested that he be the man to preside over the activists trial. Marion Russegger wurde im Grab ihrer Eltern auf dem Erst 1997 – in Marion Russeggers Sterbejahr – wurde durch eine Änderung des Damit lieferte diese Affäre einen der letzten Reflexe auf das äußerst problematische Thema der gesellschaftlichen 1958 wurde von einer Spruchkammer in Berlin eine Sühnegeldstrafe von 100.000 D-Mark über den Nachlass Freislers verhängt. The trial began on August 7, 1944.