That's only the beginning of the cool features Play Game Services has to offer. to configure Google Play games services for your game, such as leaderboards and achievements. From there, we'll add Play Game services.Import the sample game scenes and assets into your project:Still in the player settings, expand the "Other Settings" section by clicking on it.Enter the bundle identifier. manage game services and configure metadata for authorizing and authenticating Open the MainMenuEvents script and add the following function:Now create a button in the main menu scene by adding the Finally, link the On Click event of the button to the The last step is to configure the button not to display unless the user is signed in with Play Game Services. This will work across devices as well, as long as you sign in with the same Google account.If you made it all the way here, you are well on your way to becoming a master of Play Game Services. and your game, use the Google Play Console to generate the client ID and link it to your game.To generate an OAuth 2.0 client ID for your game, follow these steps:To link your game to a Google API Console project, open the Next, specify your client ID settings by following the instructions specific to Key features of note are:Then get the Google Play Game Services plugin by cloning it from GitHub also:First, we'll create a new Unity project, add the starter game and make sure it runs. The second is writing to the file, and committing the update. create a separate client ID for each platform. The keystore is used to cryptographically sign the application. iOS: Google Sign-In iOS SDK: Install the client library to access Google Sign-In features on iOS. Let's add a button to the main menu that brings up the achievements list UI.First, let's add the code to show achievements. Google Play games services is deprecated for client-only web games, and is not likely to function The size impact should be fairly negligible since ProGuard has good insight into which classes are actually used. In this section, you will create a Play Game Services project in the Developer Console and link it to your Unity project.We are going to create one leaderboard for this game that tracks the number of targets hit in a single level. The fingerprint of the key and the bundle id uniquely identify the application when communicating with Play Game Services.For Mac/Linux this should be named $HOME/.android/debug.keystoreFor Windows this should be named C:\Users\\.android\debug.keystoreIf you can't find the key debug.keystore, or if you want to create a new one, change directory to .android (as explained above) and run the following command:keytool -genkeypair -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -dname "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US" -validity 9999Congratulations! linked application, it might be because you have not accepted the Terms of package name for both. If you're still having problems ask for help!Before your users can sign in and use Play Game Services features, you need to register your game with the Developer Console. another with the debug certificate fingerprint. To do You can Do not use Google Play games services for new client-only web games. Open Now that we are keeping track of the user's hits, we will add the code to update the leaderboard. Make sure to use the same First, let's add some accounting to keep track of targets hit. Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Apps you link and remove again later still count towards this maximum. Google Play game services - Android samples. If you add more leaderboards via the Developer Console, they will show up on this screen.We will update the user's score at the end of each level, rather than with each enemy killed in order to cut down on the number of requests we have to make to the leaderboards API.